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Amy Ladd


Amy joined White & Associates in 2000. Amy and her husband, Tim, married in 2015 and she has two children, Tanner and Trevor. Their family is having fun restoring their new home. Amy loves yard sales and is always up early on Saturday mornings, and sometimes even before work on Fridays, to hunt for a great bargain. She loves traveling to the beach and taking time to relax by the water.

Contact Information
Phone: 731-288-3532

Fun Facts
What movie can you watch over and over?
The American President with Michael Douglas and Annette Benning
Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Reese Witherspoon – I thought Sally Field but my coworkers were unanimous, even without discussing it!
Quirkiest thing about you?
I could name so many! I have a natural shake called Essential Tremors. The people that know me know not to ask me to pour the tea or pass a bowl of food because the contents might end up on their lap!
What song is in your head right now?
“Watch Me Whip, Watch Me Nae Nae”…my nieces and nephews love it! I wish I had rhythm and could dance with them.
How would you spend a surprise day off?
In the swimming pool!